Deep Relaxation Somatic Bodywork

Deep Relaxation Stress-Relief Sensory Massage Therapy
with optional Guided Meditation


Most of us are to some degree, starved for touch. Therapeutic, nurturing touch is a basic human need - infants literally perish without it. Our society and day to day lives often don’t support this very essential need. Many of us are experiencing a lack of connection, isolation, and loneliness as a part of this. Our social nature and our need for touch are intertwined. Therapeutic calming touch through relaxation massage and sensory stimulation/deprivation is one of the absolute best ways to experience stress relief, nurturing connection, and nervous system regulation. This provides powerful neuro-physiological and bio-psycho-social effects. When we are able to receive it, it can be truly life changing.

My offering is a unique, multi-dimensional, therapeutic sensory and relaxation experience. This service is custom tailored to your personal preferences, wants, and needs. 

You have the opportunity to choose from many different options including but not limited to:
-attuned-pressure relaxation massage (not deep tissue)
-infra-red heat
-essential oil topical application
-diffused essential oils
-calming binaural beats
-custom guided meditation
-scalp massage
-compression with weighted pillows, weighted blankets, and applied manual compressions
-sensory deprivation with ear plugs and/or eye mask
-vibration therapy
-cryo (ice) therapy
-cranio-sacral therapy
-energy work
-manual lymphatic drainage

During the booking process, we will discuss which therapies and modalities are most appealing and beneficial for you. We will formulate a customized session plan, which remains flexible for adjustments during the session if you decide you would prefer more, less, or different stimulus. When you arrive for your session the environment will be set with intention. We will briefly confirm our session plan.

The treatment itself is approximately 75-90 minutes in duration.

My intention is to provide a one-of-a-kind experience that leaves you feeling like your needs have fully been met. My vision is to offer the most attuned, nourishing, and beneficial session possible. I’m so excited to expand my offerings to help you reduce your stress, increase your sense of well-being, and improve your quality of life. 


What I am NOT

I am not a Medical Doctor of any Kind. I am not a Psychotherapist. I do not diagnose or treat medical conditions. I do not prescribe medications. I do not ever recommend that anyone go against their Doctors recommendations. I do not ever recommend that anyone start, stop or change their prescribed medications. I am not a magical witch healer who will “fix” you.

My Ideal Client

My ideal Client is ready and willing to be an active participant in their process of healing, growth and development. They desire to do what it takes to improve their lives. They either currently possess, or are excited to develop a passion for their health and wellness. They have some awareness of or are open to the concept of the interconnected nature of the mind and body. They are excited to explore the depths of their experience.

Guiding you towards greater wellbeing.